The tasks in CryptQ are organised into 5 work packages (WP) which have each been assigned a WP leader. The entire work is overseen and coordinated by the Project leader and while a Steering Committee, consisting of representatives of each of the project partners, is responsible for high-level governance of the project. The entire governance structure of the project is summarised below.

Project leader
Steering committee members
- Ulrik Lund Andersen, Professor, DTU Physics (chairman),
- Martijn Heck, Associate professor, Aarhus University
- Anton Therkildsen, CEO Zybersafe (vice chairman),
- Michael Kjær, CEO Danish Fundamental Metrology (DFM)
- Carsten Lyngsø, CSO Cryptomathic
- Christian Vestergaard Poulsen, CTO NKT Photonics
- Darko Zibar, Associate professor, DTU Fotonik
Work package leaders
- WP1: Ulrich Hoff, Senior adviser, DTU Physics
- WP2: Thomas Brochmann Pedersen, Cryptography and security expert, Cryptomathic
- WP3: Erik Bidstrup, CTO Zybersafe
- WP4: Nicolas Volet, Assistant professor, Aarhus University
- WP5: Mikael Østergaard Lassen, Senior scientist, Danish Fundamental Metrology (DFM)